Prac03: Arrays and Plotting

Last updated on 2024-10-02 | Edit this page



  • How do I process large amounts of data?
  • What support does Python have for manipulating science and engineering datasets?
  • How can I get a quick visualisation (plot) of my data?


  1. Use Python arrays implemented in Numpy
  2. Use simple plotting techniques using matplotlib
  3. Apply arrays and plotting to more complex systems dynamics problems


In this practical you will be using Numpy arrays to store data. We will then plot data from arrays and lists before using arrays and plotting in some more complex systems dynamics models.

Additional commands in VIM

VIM – additional useful commands

Command Description
:w When editing a file, you can save changes so far using :w from command mode. Press esc to go from insert to command mode.
:w filename If you want to save a file with a new name from vim command mode, type :w new_file_name
:q! To quit without saving changes, use :q! (also good for backing out if you accidentally put the wrong file name in, e.g. vim
D To delete the rest of a line (from current cursor position in command mode), type D
R To replace the rest of a line (from current cursor position in command mode), type R, puts you into insert mode
u To undo a command or change, type u, repeat to undo multiple
xG To go to a line 20 in a file, type 20G. To go to the last line of a file, type G
A Appends after the end of the current line, puts into insert mode

On occasion, you may accidentally hit ctrl-z when using vim or other programs. This pauses the program, but it is still running in the “background”. Type fg to bring it back into the foreground. When this happens, or if you close your machine without saving the files, a temporary file that vim creates is left behind (when you save and quit normally, the file is deleted). If you type ls -la, you can see these “hidden” files – they start with a “.”, eg. Once you have your file back in order, you can delete the temp files using rm

Activity 1 - Plotting Growth

The lectures notes gave modified code for to plot the output. Copy from your Prac01 directory into your Prac03 directory. Rename it and update the documentation at the start of the program. Then make the changes as indicated in the lecture notes. This includes inserting code for importing matplotlib; creating and appending to lists; and plotting the data.

Run the program and confirm that it plots your data.

Make the following modifications to your code (do each modification and confirm it works before moving onto the next one):

  1. Change the colour of the plotted line from blue to red
  2. Change the symbol for the plotted line to a triangle. Note that the line is formed from many individual data points, these are joined together when we use a line in our plot
  3. Change the simulation time from 10 hour to 100 hours, now we can see the exponential growth in the population
  4. Change the plotting back to a line
  5. Change the plot title to “Prac 3.1: Unconstrained Growth”
  6. Save the plot to your Prac03 directory

Activity 2 - Reading Numbers with Arrays

In Prac01 we read in ten numbers and printed their total. Copy from Prac01 to Prac03/ We will change this file to use arrays to store the values and then print some summary data.

Make the changes below and run the program:


# Read ten numbers give sum, min, max & mean 
import numpy as np

numarray = np.zeros(10)   # create an empty 10 element array 

print('Enter ten numbers...')

for i in range(len(numarray)):
    print('Enter a number (', i, ')...')
    numarray[i] = int(input())
print('Total is ', numarray.sum())

Modify the code to:

  1. Print the min and max numbers entered
  2. Print the average (mean) of the numbers
  3. Plot the numbers

Activity 3 - Plotting Growth with Arrays

Copy to We will change this file to use arrays to store the values and then plot the arrays.

  1. First, update the documentation accordingly.
  2. To use Numpy arrays, we first need to import the numpy package: import numpy as np. Add the import line to the start of the program.
  3. Then, create an array of zeros to hold the calculated values
  4. Modify the loop code to put the values into the array
  5. Modify the plt.plot call to plot the array
  6. If you didn’t provide x-values for time (in hours), add code for x-values

Activity 4 - Plotting Subplots

Copy to We will change this program to give multiple plots in the same figure.

  1. Update the documentation accordingly
  2. Modify the plotting code to do the do the equivalent of the subplot code in the lecture slides (shown below). When adapting the code, the variable names and labels/titles will need to be changed… this is a very common task.


plt.plot(dates, march2017, '--')  # update the xvalues, yvalues and line style
plt.title('March Temperatures')   # update title
plt.ylabel('Temperature')         # update y label units

plt.subplot(212)                  # as above... for second subplot
plt.plot(dates, march2017, 'ro')  # explore different line styles
plt.xlabel('Date')                        # display plot

Save the resulting plot in your Prac03 directory.

Activity 5 - Plotting a Bar Chart

Copy to Update to print a bar chart of the numbers. In the lecture notes, we saw how to plot a bar chart from a list. We will use similar code to plot the numbers entered into


plt.title('Numbers Bar Chart')
plt.ylabel('Number')[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], numarray, 0.9, color='purple')

Add this code to to print a purple bar chart. Remember to import matplotlib!

Save it to your Prac03 directory.

Activity 6 - Systems Dynamics Revisited

In we implemented a simulation of unconstrained growth. We can use the same approach to simulate decay – using negative growth. In this example, we can look at a dosage of a drug, e.g. Aspirin for pain and Dilantin for treating epilepsy.

Download and save it into your Prac03 directory. Run the program and see if you can understand what it is doing. Look at Chapter 2 of the text for background. The program is a variation of where another two tablets are taken after 4 hours.

Next download and run it. MEC and MTC are values for effective and toxic concentrations, respectively. Note how it takes multiple doses to get up to an effective level. Download and see the impact of skipped pills on the concentration.

For more background information, this exercise is based on p45-50 Chapter 2 of the Shiflet & Shiflet textbook - .

Activity 7 - Exploring Aspirin Dosages

We have seen the impact of a single dose of Aspirin, and then a second after 4 hours. Many of these medications can have serious imnpacts if taken regularly for too long a period. An example would be to take the code and repeat the dosage every 4 hours… make the appropriate changes, which should give a result similar to the plot below.

Four-hourly aspirin dosage
Four-hourly aspirin dosage

Note that the concentration of Aspirin in the blood plasma is going above the red line, which is dangerous (Mean Toxic Concentration). Also note that the blood plasma volume has/can been reduced to 2700ml, to illustrate the impact of changing these values.

Modifying this code to space the dosages further apart (6 hourly), we see the concentration is now always below the red line.

Also note that you probably have a double-dose at the start - as shown in the sample plots. This can be corrected by setting the initial aspirin_in_plasma value to zero (not dose).

Six-hourly aspirin dosage
Six-hourly aspirin dosage

Another way to reduce the cumulative impacts of a medication is to not take it in the evening, so there might be 3 6-hourly doses and a gap overnight. This can also be an approach where a medication might keep the patient awake, or not be needed while sleeping. The next plot shows how this might impact the concentration of medication in the blood plasma.

Six-hourly aspirin, skipping the evening dosage
Six-hourly aspirin, skipping the evening dosage

Note that these are all models and we know that models are WRONG. There are many assumptions to consider. Blood plasma Would vary between people, and could be approximated, perhaps by weight. Drug absorption levels would vary by person, and by the contents of the stomach, or could be bypassed if the drug is given intravenously. Similarly, excretion of the drug might vary by person, and depend on their overall health.

It is a simpistic model, however, it is incredibly useful in conveying how repat doses of drug accumulate and compund.

Activity 8 - Scaffolded Challenge: Rainbows

Given we can draw a line plot in various colours, how might we plot a rainbow?

Rainbows stored in lists
Rainbows stored in lists

So, where might we start?


Consider how you might generate a curve. Perhaps an upside-down parabola?


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math

# Basic Curve
r = 5
for i in range(-r,r+1):
    plt.plot(i, r**2 - i**2,"bo")
plt.title("Basic Curve")

This code gives one curve of blue circles, but the shape is wrong.

A circle gives a more realistic curve… so we can use the x**2 + y**2 = r**2 formula to find points on the edge of a circle.


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math

# Basic Curve
r = 5
for i in range(-r,r+1):
    plt.plot(i,math.sqrt(r**2 - i**2),color="red", marker="*")
plt.title("Basic Curve")

We can use the loop index to map to a particular colour, and also to change the radius of the circle.


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math

# Many Curves 10,9,8,7,6
for r in range(10,5,-1):
    for i in range(-r,r+1):
        if r == 10:
            colour = "red" 
        elif r == 9:
            colour = "orange" 
        elif r == 8:
            colour = "yellow" 
        elif r == 7:
            colour = "green" 
            colour = "purple" 
        plt.plot(i,math.sqrt(r**2 - i**2),color=colour, marker="*")
plt.title("Many Curves")


# Many Curves - arrays
import numpy as np
res = 4
for r in range(10,3,-1):
    size = r * res * 2 + 1
    xarray = np.zeros(size)
    arcarray = np.zeros(size)
    if r == 10:
        colour = "red" 
    elif r == 9:
        colour = "orange" 
    elif r == 8:
        colour = "yellow" 
    elif r == 7:
        colour = "green" 
    elif r == 6:
        colour = "blue" 
    elif r == 5:
        colour = "indigo" 
        colour = "violet" 
    for i in range(-res * r, res * r + 1):
        xarray[i] = i
        print(r, i)
        arcarray[i] = math.sqrt((res * r)**2 - i**2)
    plt.plot(xarray, arcarray, color=colour, marker="o")
plt.title("Many Curves - arrays")


Update the README file to include:


along with any additional programs and charts you have created.

All of your work for this week’s practical should be submitted via Blackboard using the Practical 03 link. This should be done as a single “zipped” file. Submit the resulting file through Blackboard. (refer to Practical 00 or 01 for instructions on zipping files.

There are no direct marks for these submissions, but they may be taken into account when finalising your mark for the unit. Go to the Assessment link on Blackboard and click on Practical 03 for the submission page.

And that’s the end of Practical 03!

Key Points

  • Arrays give compact storage and additional functionality when working with collections of data of the same type.
  • Arrays are implemented in the numpy package, which you import to be able to use them.
  • Plotting data aids understanding and helps us see trends.
  • We can plot using matplotlib. Other packages will be explored later in the semester


  1. Knowledge: What are the names of the two Python packages we use for arrays and for plotting?
  2. Comprehension: What changes if we replace plt.xlabel(‘Count’) with plt.xlabel(‘Time’)
  3. Application: What value would you give to plt.subplot(???) to set up the 2nd plot in a 2x2 set of subplots?
  4. Analysis: What type of file is created when we save a plot?
  5. Synthesis: Each week we create a README file for the Prac. How is this file useful?
  6. Evaluation: Compare the use of lists and arrays in the growth*.py programs. Name two advantages of using lists, and two advantages of using arrays


For those who want to explore a bit more of the topics covered in this practical. Note that the challenges are not assessed but may form part of the prac tests or exam.

  1. Modify to print four subplots (2x2) – the additional plots should print green squares and black triangles. (hint: subplot 1 is subplot(221))
  2. Modify to print nine subplots (3x3) – the additional plots should print green squares, black triangles, black circles, black squares, blue triangles, blue circles and blue squares. (hint: subplot 1 is subplot(331))
  3. Extend the aspirin simulation length in to see what happens over time with repeated dosages
  4. Modify to see the impact of having doses every 2 hours