Prac11: Applications: Engineering and Science

Last updated on 2024-10-29 | Edit this page



  • Now you have some knowledge and skills in coding, what will it take to use that in a field of your choice?
  • Who can I talk to that’s already in space science, chemistry, engineering etc?


  1. Understand how data science and computational techniques are applied in a range of fields
  2. Know the skills and knowledge you have that can be applied, and what additional training and learning you will need to work in future fields


This week we will have some guest lecturers who will share their story and their tech skills to hopefully inspire students to continue to learn data science and computational techniques. Over the semesters, we will build a library of videos and supporting materials, so you can access all preious guest lectures.

Guest Lecture 1: Geographic Information Systems/Mapping (8/10/24)

Presenter: Dr David McMeekin

David’s research interests are varied. Underpinning all of them is the application of technology to solve problems as well as opening up data for other to use. These include the delivery of spatial information through the use of semantic web technologies, the development of technical solutions to assist  autistic people to travel and live independently, the use of Linked Open Data within Digital Humanities, the application and use of technology for vision impaired people, underwater cultural heritage data, technological solutions to standardising physiotherapy testing, to name just a few.

David is a Senior Lecturer in Computer Science at Curtin, delivering units including Program Design and Implementation (COMP1007) and App Development within the Apple Ecosystem (COMP2010 & MOOC)

Guest Lecture 2: Binar - Australia’s CubeSat Solution (8/10/24)

Presenters: Dr Robert Howie and Tristan Ward

Binar (BIN-ah) is the Noongar word for “fireball”. We’re a space program, building the next generation of Australian small spacecraft, at Curtin University’s Space Science and Technology Centre. Binar will advance our understanding of the solar system and lower the barrier for operating in space.

Robert is a Research Fellow, Tristan is an Embedded Software Engineers

Previous Guest Lectures

Dr Paul Hancock, Data Scientist Project Lead, Curtin Institute of Data Science (CIDS) (6/5/24)

Paul holds a PhD in Physics from Sydney University. For his thesis, he studied the youngest radio galaxies, using a southern sky survey conducted at 20GHz. He was one of the key software developers for the survey processing. he now works in CIDS as Data Science Lead for the ADACS project, mainly working on ADACS teaching and software support projects, and teaching computer science courses for EECMS (including COMP5005 - Fundamentals of Programming)

Professor Paolo Ratieri, School of Molecular and Life Sciences (MLS) (13/5/24)

Paolo Raiteri in an expert in atomistic simulations and free energy calculations. He is working on the development and application of such techniques to materials science problems. His main research interest are in computational geochemistry, with particular focus on dissolution and growth of minerals from solution. 

Dr Chris Harris, Senior Supercomputing Specialist, Pawsey Supercomputing Centre (13/5/24)

Christopher obtained a PhD in Computational Physics and a Bachelor of Science in Physics and Computer Science through the University of Western Australia. He joined Pawsey in 2012 and was promoted in 2016 to his current position of Team Lead – Senior Supercomputing Specialist. At Pawsey, Christopher has played a pivotal role in the coordination of merit allocation calls, project management of advanced technology procurements, managing Uptake Project calls, and was instrumental in the development and running of GPU training and Pawsey User Forums. He has recently led the migration of researchers to the new Setonix supercomputer.


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Key Points

  • You are at a starting point for your career. Computational and data analytics skills will enhance your abiliaty to do your job, and to work in multidisiplinary teams.
  • Each domain will have it’s own preferred languages and environments.
  • Your foundational knowledge built in this unit can be transferred and expanded to match your chosen career.


For each of the presenters’ domains, make notes of:

  1. A scenario of where programming is applied in that area
  2. A short list of tools and skills from this unit you would apply in that scenario
  3. Any additional tools and skills you would need to acquire


For those who want to explore a bit more of the topics covered in this practical.

  1. List some careers/roles you are interested in. Research online what computational tools and skills are/will be applied in future
  2. If you have suggestions for future guest lectures and careers - share them in a post on Piazza